Below you will find a few crucial decisions every player will have to make at some point in time, well, not every player:
Below you will find a few crucial decisions every player will have to make at some point in time, well, not every player:
Situation: You’re talking to a girl, and she wants to dance. Only one problem: you’re a horrible dancer. Do you let her go dance by herself, not show lower value by letting her see that you’re a horrible dancer, and tell her to find you later, or do you just go dance with her anyway? Answer: You go dance with her. If you’re a horrible dancer, you stick to doing a simple two step dance move or you acknowledge that you’re a horrible dancer by intentionally making an ass of yourself on the dance floor. At the very worse, she laughs at you dancing like a dork, and humor is always a good thing. Any time you break contact with a girl, you risk losing her. The best pick-ups are streamlined, with little opportunity for an interruption. If she goes to the dance floor without you, you risk losing her to another guy, or her friends claiming her for themselves again.
Situation: You’re going out and you have two wingmen to choose from that don’t like each other. One has game, but isn’t physically attractive. The other is physically attractive, but has no game at all. Which one do you go out with? Answer: You go out with the more physically attractive of the two. The role of the wingman is to distract the friends, not fuck them. Women will judge you based on who you’re seen with. If you’re seen with an unattractive wing, things get that much more difficult for you, as she can’t tell that he has game just by getting a look at him. When you approach, women will immediately think of who they seen you with. Who were my best wings that I pulled the most women home with? Smilez, a pretty boy who had no game whatsoever; Puerto Rico, who didn’t have a lot of game, but was exotically attractive; and The Peacemaker who has game and looks like a model. It has always been difficult for me to pull girls home with a wing that wasn’t physically attractive.
Situation: You’re going out tonight and want to look good. You don’t have a lot of money. Do you buy decent looking shoes and an OK outfit to match, just so you are fresh from head to toe? Or do you just buy the really expensive shoes and wear an older outfit that you already own? Answer: This one should be easy: a woman will judge you by your shoes. What do I get complimented on the most? My shoes. Buy the expensive shoes now, and get the rest of the clothes later. You’re better off buying expensive items one by one than you are buying a bunch of mediocre items now.
Situation: You just approached two girls. One girl is an average looking chick that seems into you from the very beginning, and the other is a super hot girl that didn’t even look your way when you approached. Which one do you game? Answer: Always go for the hot girl. As long as the average girl is cool with you, you’re good in the group. Hot women are easier to game anyway. Why? Negs are more effective with them and it‘s easier to predict how they‘ll behave to your comments. With average women, if you screw up, even a little, they’re gone. This is why you don’t neg average looking women. Average women are just too difficult to deal with and easier to screw up with simply because it is hard to get a good read on them. Hot women are more likely to put out simply because they are more likely to have low self-esteem due to how important their perceived image is to them; hence why they spend forever getting ready and putting so much time into looking good. The hotter they are, the more worried about how they come across to others they’ll be.
Situation: You can either go to a bar that you feel very comfortable in, but there are very few women, or you can go to a bar that you don’t feel all that comfortable in, but has a lot of women to choose from and game. Which bar do you go to? Answer: Always go to the bar where you feel the most comfortable in. Women pick up on nervousness, and when you’re at a bar where you feel uncomfortable your mind will always be distracted, and you’ll feel the anxiety. This makes it difficult for you to game. Always go to the bar where you’re going to be relaxed and your mind is going to be clear. Never forget that all you need to pick up is ONE girl, and not the whole damn bar.